
Environment 2019-11-18T15:27:34+00:00

e-PAHEL has undertaken several programmes primarily on awareness related to environment. We participated in “My Ganga, My Dolphin” campaign led to the partnership between WWF-India, Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and HSBC Bank during 5 – 7 October 2012. In addition, two programmes were conducted with the support of the Centre for Environment Education (CEE). The first programme was on Ganges River Dolphin Conservation Education Programme and the second one was Paryavaran Mitra Programme.

My Ganga, My Dolphin” campaign

The Gangetic river dolphin can be considered as an indicator of a healthy river system.  This species is extremely sensitive to changes in water regime and it can be reasonably assumed that this results in changes in their breeding and migratory behaviour. An increase in population of river dolphin indicates a healthy river. In 2005, its population was estimated around 600 in Ganges and its tributaries, in the state of UP, MP and Rajasthan.

e-PAHEL participated in “My Ganga, My Dolphin” campaign led to the partnership between WWF-India, Uttar Pradesh Forest Department and HSBC Bank during 5 – 7 October 2012. The three-day campaign covered 2,500 KM stretch of Ganga & its tributaries (Geruwa, Ghaghra, Saryu, Rapti, Chambal, Yamuna, Ken and Betwa). It targeted at generating awareness on the conservation of endangered species and to collect baseline information of the species distribution and population status, in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. The objectives of this campaign were to collect baseline information of the species distribution and population status in the state, create awareness about conservation of India’s National Aquatic Animal and develop the capacity of key stakeholders.

Ganges River Dolphin Conservation Education Programme

The Centre for Environment Education (CEE) assigned e-PAHEL to carry forward the Ganges River Dolphin Conservation Education Programme in Allahabad district. The idea was to engage schools of the district for awareness of Ganga and Ganges River Dolphinissues among children.

A teachers’ orientation workshop was organized during 3 – 4 November 2011 at Anglo Bengali Inter College, Allahabad. In this workshop teachers of 19 schools of Allahabad region pledged their support toGanges River Dolphin Conservation Education Programme. Ganges River Dolphin Poster, book and  awareness materials related to the programme were distributed to them. The programme was a great success. The workshop focused on “what is the need to save the Ganga Dolphine” among the participants. It was highlighted that Ganges River Dolphin is facing many threats from the surrounding and it is important to understand the inter-connection between living organism and environment.

Paryavaran Mitra Programme

ParyavaranMitra is a programme for students that envisions creating Paryavaran Mitra (Friends of the Environment) in schools across India by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Arcelor Mittal and Centre for Environment Education (CEE). It is an action-based Hand Print, focusing on sustainability and Climate Change education. The goal of the Paryavaran Mitra programme is to create a network of young people across the nation who have the knowledge, awareness and commitment to meet the challenges of global citizenship and Climate Change. Centre for Environment Education (CEE) has assigned ePAHEL to carry forward the Paryavaran Mitra Programme in Allahabad district. In this programme around 150 schools were approached whereas 100 schools finally enrolled and around 50 schools were from urban areas and 50 schools from the rural areas. Out of these 25 schools were government-aided schools. e-PAHEL organized several events under this programme.

Paryavaran Mitra Magh Mela

CEE North and e-PAHEL organized a 3 days event at Allahabad on the occasion of Magh Mela during 20 – 22 January 2012. The mela saw huge participation of masses coming together to perform religious rituals and holy dip in river Ganga which is held every year at Allahabad. Linking religious and cultural event with environment conservation, 150 students along with teachers from 10 Paryavaran Mitra and Ganges river dolphin programme schools of Allahabad schools participated in the event. More than and hundreds of visitors came for the exhibition.

The programme began with inauguration of exhibition by Dr. S.N. Mishra, District Forest Officer, Allahabad. The exhibition highlighted Paryavaran Mitra actions and importance of the river dolphin in Ganga. The event saw participation of key officials Regional Officer, Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board and Assistant General Manager, National Bank of Agricultural & Rural Development who motivated children and masses for taking environment conservation actions. The resource persons emphasized on key actions required to keep our river clean and spoke about how one can adopt a lifestyle which is environment friendly. Students participated in poster and slogan writing competition. Later in the day film screening was organized for the gathering in the mela.

Paryavaran Mitra Programme, district level event, Allahabad

The District level Paryavaran Mitra event in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh was organized by e-PAHEL and CEE North on 5 May 2011 at Sardar Patel Public School of Allahabad, a ParyavaranMitra school. The event was participated by around 80 participants that included students, teachers from 8 schools, community members and leaders, media representatives, resource persons, etc. The students from different schools attended the programme and enthusiastically participated in the different activities like essay writing competition, quiz competition, etc. The programme concluded with a magic show focusing on creating awareness about health, sanitation and conservation of the environment.

Teachers Orientation Workshop

The teacher orientation workshop was organized on 26 February 2011 at Saras Kendra, Vikas Bhawan, Allahabad which was a great success. At this workshop 58 school teachers of Allahabad region pledged their support to Paryavaran Mitra porgramme. The materials related to the Awareness Programme were distributed to them.

The programme was inaugurated by Dr Niraj Agrawal, Vatsalya Hospital. He highlighted the health related problems originating due to pollution.  He explained in detail how to manage such issues. He also mentioned the importance of reducing the pollution in Ganga river and emphasized the need to celebrate our festivals in environment friendly manner. Every individual should make efforts to contribute in environment protection.

Dr Gopal Krishna, Director highlighted the objectives of Paryavaran Mitra Programme and role of ePAHEL in this programme. He mentioned that at this stage around 100 schools have been engaged in Paryavaran Mitra programme. He also indicated the possible expansion of the programme involving more and more schools in due course.

Mr Ashutosh Dwivedi of Centre for Environment Education (CEE) explained in detail about the consequences climate change and global warming. He emphasized the need to minimize to emission of greenhouse gases and our day to day activities should be directed in this direction.

Mr PmGhosh, Lecturer, Anglo Bengali Inter College explained in detail the waste management system of his college. The initiative of Anglo Bengali Inter College was interesting and inspiring.

The workshop was concluded with the thank by Dr Gopal Krishna. He also mentioned that the delegates gathered here are brand ambassador of environment.